
The Lancaster and Fairfield County Amateur Radio Club hosts several nets throughout the week.

Daily Nets

  • K8QIK Monday Morning Breakfast Net at 9:00 am (Monday thru Saturday)
    147.030 MHz, 71.9Hz PL (+.6, FM)
    Net Control: Paul, KB8CMW
  • National Traffic Net at 7:15 pm
    147.24 MHz, 179.9Hz PL (+.6, FM)

Sunday Night Nets

  • Sunday Night CW and SSB Simplex Net at 6:30 pm
    144.095 MHz for CW to start and QSY about 7pm to 144.250 for SSB
    You will need an all-mode radio to participate
  • Southeastern Ohio Radio Network at 8:00 pm
    443.875 MHz,100.0 Hz PL (FM)
    Linked system of 12 repeaters

Monday Night Nets

  • Amateur Radio Newsline Report re-transmission at 8:00 pm
    147.030 MHz, 71.9Hz PL (FM Net +.6)
    If technical problems: 146.700 MHz, 94.8Hz PL (-.6, FM)
  • LFCARC Monday Night Net at 9:00 pm
    147.030 MHz, 71.9Hz PL (+.6, FM)
    If technical problems: 146.700 MHz, 94.8Hz PL (-.6, FM)

Tuesday Night Nets

  • Central Ohio Weather Spotter Weekly at 7:30 pm
    146.76 MHz, 123Hz PL (-.6, FM)
    Alternate frequency 147.24MHz, 179.9Hz (+.6, FM)
  • Weekly Net at 9:00 pm
    147.24 MHz, 179.9Hz PL (+.6, FM)
  • NARA Tuesday Night Net at 9:00 pm
    146.880 MHz no PL, (-.6, FM)